Friday, July 27, 2012


form Dom


In Mattimeo, Matthias is still warrior of Redwall. He has a son named Mattimeo who is enslaved by Slager the Cruel, a fox. Matthias and Basil, Jess, Cheek the Otter, Orlando the Ax, LogaLog and Sir Harry the Muse. Set off to find him they find him as they fight rats yelling their battle cries: redwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll, mossflowwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr, redwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll, LLLLLLLoooooooogggggggggallllllllloooooooggggggg, Eulaliaaaaaaaaaaaaa, redwwwwaaaaaallllllllllllllllll. They go to Redwall.

We are in Amarillo, TX. I love Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas because of Braum’s. I should try to explain it to you. It is a restaurant but off to the side there is a fresh market that sells milk, ice cream, and stuff like that. Oh, and Amarillo, TX is home to the free (if eaten in 1 hour) 72oz steak meal which is the 72oz steak, 2buns, a 1 lb salad, and 1 lb of potatoes!!!!!!!! The current champ is Joey (Jaws) Chestnut. He started to eat and in 8 minutes 52 seconds the entire thing was gone. He is also the world hot dog eating champ. A 500 lb Siberian tiger ate it in 90 seconds then eyed the cook GULP. A 63 year old grandmother ate the meal in 1977.

Ps .Dave hopes that he can eat it.        

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