Tuesday, August 13, 2013


RoboHauler is a truck that is 14 1/2 inches long, 7 1/4 inches tall and 7 inches wide at the dual wheels and is controlled with sensors.
It is not AI because I forgot to hook up the ultrasonic sensor (which allows the computer to see) and I did not  hook up the ultrasonic sensor when I remembered because the steering was in the way and I would have had to rebuild the whole thing.

This is the front left side of the truck.

This is the front right side.

This is the front of the truck.

This is the truck with a semi loaded trailer.

The truck carries around a motorcycle so that the drivers can 
park the truck and drive around on the motorcycle to save on fuel.

This is how the steering is controlled.

This is how movement is controlled.

The hood flips up for easy access to the steering mechanism.

A better view of the bed and fuel saving motorcycle.